Link to [Google Scholar]
# = past and current supervised students
Book Chapters, and Other Peer-Reviewed Special Publications
2. #Rehmatullah S., Kolawole O., Shah V. (2024). Investigating the Influence of Water Salinity Concentrations on Thermal Conductivity of Soils for Buried Infrastructure Systems Reliant on Heat Transfer. In T.M. Evans, N. Stark, & S. Chang (Eds.), Geotechnical Special Publication, 351, pp. 582 - 590. [PDF]
1. Kolawole O., Assaad R.H., #Ngoma M.C., Ozotta O. (2023). An Artificial Neural Network Model for Predicting Microbial-Induced Alteration of Rock Strength. In E. Rathje, B.M. Montoya, & M.H. Wayne (Eds.), Geotechnical Special Publication, 340, pp. 243 - 251. [PDF]
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
44. Olorode O., Kolawole O., Igweonu C., Rashid H. (2025). Taking Bio-Induced Precipitation to the Field for Sustainable Geo-Energy Storage: Experimental and Numerical Studies of Leakage Mitigation. Journal of Energy Storage, 112: 115474, 1-16. [PDF]
43. #Oppong F., Kolawole O. (2025). Novel Nanomagnetic-Based Slurry for Grouting Fractured Rocks. Discover Civil Engineering, 2(1), 1-19. [PDF]
42. #Ngoma M.C., Kolawole O., Lu Y. (2024). Unveiling Nanomechanical and Pore-Structural Evolution of Bio-Precipitate Arrays in Heterogeneous Granular Media. Results in Engineering, 24:103313, 1-14. [PDF]
41. #Ngoma M.C., Kolawole O. (2024). Porosity and Bedding Controls on Bio-Induced Carbonate Precipitation and Mechanical Properties of Shale and Dolomite Rocks: EICP vs MICP. Biogeotechnics, 2(4):100102, 1-13. [PDF]
40. Eyitayo S.I., Gamadi T., Ispas I., Kolawole O., Watson, M.C. (2024). Produced Water Integration in CO2 Storage Using Different Injection Strategies: The Effect of Salinity on Rock Petrophysical, Mineralogy, Wettability and Geomechanical Properties. Journal of Environmental Management, 372:123307, 1-13. [PDF]
39. Kolawole O., #Rehmatullah S., Shah V. (2024). Evaluating Soil Thermal Conductivity for Buried Infrastructure: Impact of Water Salinity, Mineral Composition, and Moisture Content on Heat Transfer. Progress in Engineering Science, 1(3):100014. [PDF]
38. #Oppong F., Kolawole O. (2024). Reassessment of Natural Expansive Materials and Their Impact on Freeze-Thaw Cycles in Geotechnical Engineering: A Review. Frontiers in Built Environment, 10, 1-23. [PDF]
37. #Ngoma M.C., Kolawole O., Olorode O. (2024). Geothermo-Mechanical Alterations Due to Heat Energy Extraction in Enhanced Geothermal Systems: Overview and Prospective Directions. Deep Underground Science and Engineering, 3(3), 256-268. [PDF]
36. Onwumelu C., Kolawole O., Nordeng S., Olorode O. (2024). Analyzing Thermal Maturity Effect on Shale Organic Matter Via Peakforce Quantitative Nanomechanical Mapping. Rock Mechanics Bulletin, 3(3), 100128. [PDF]
35. Eyitayo S.I., Gamadi T., Kolawole O., Okere C., Ispas I., Arbad N., Emadibaladehi H., Watson M.C. (2024). Experimental Investigation of the Impact of CO2 Injection Strategies on Rock Wettability Alteration for CCS Applications. Energies, 7(11), 1-23. [PDF]
34. Eyitayo S.I., Arbad N., Kolawole O., Watson M.C. (2024). Optimizing CO2 Storage in Deep Saline Formations: A Comprehensive Review of Enhancing Pore Space Utilization Through Simultaneous or Alternate Aquifer Injection. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 46(1), 6513-6536. [PDF]
33. #Ngoma M.C., Kolawole O. (2024). Assessment of Nano-To-Micro-Scale Geomechanical Properties and their Time-Dependent Behavior: Current Status and Progressive Perspectives. Rock Mechanics Bulletin, 3(1), 100096. [PDF]
32. Okoli E.A., Kolawole O., Akaolisa C.Z., Ikoro D.O., Ozotta O. (2024). Alterations in Petrophysical and Geomechanical Properties Due to Basaltic Rock-CO2 Interactions: Comprehensive Review. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 17(10), 1-23. [PDF]
31. Eyitayo S.I., Watson M.C., Kolawole O., Xu P., Bruant R., Henthorne L. (2022). External Utilization of Oil and Gas Produced Water: Why is the Industry Hesitant to Full-Scale Implementation?. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 26, 89-108. [PDF]
30. Anya A., Emadi H., Watson M., Kolawole O., Altawati F. (2023). An Investigation of Fatigue Response of Well Cement under Cyclic Loading and Impact on Zonal Isolation Performance. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 230, 212172, 1-12. [PDF]
29. Kolawole O., Assaad R.H., Adams M.P., #Ngoma M.C., Anya A., Assaf G. (2023). Coupled Experimental Assessment and Machine Learning Prediction of Mechanical Integrity of MICP and Cement Paste as Underground Plugging Materials. Biogeotechnics, 1(2), 1-9. [PDF]
28. Kolawole O., #Oppong F. (2023). Assessment of Inherent Heterogeneity on Continuous Mechanical Properties of Shale Via Uniaxial Compression and Scratch Test Methods. Rock Mechanics Bulletin, 2(4), 100065, 1-11. [PDF]
27. Onwumelu C., Kolawole O., Bouchakour I., Ozotta O., Nordeng S., Alamooti M. (2023). CO2-Induced Alterations Due to Thermal Maturation in Shale: Implications for CO2 Utilization and Storage. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 13(6), 797-813. [PDF]
26. Kolawole O., Assaad R.H. (2023). Modeling and Prediction of Temporal Biogeomechanical Alterations using Novel Machine Learning Approach. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 56 (8), 5635-5655. [PDF]
25. #Oppong F., Yao N., Zhang W., Liu Y., Kolawole O. (2023). Tentative Application of Expansive Cementitious Materials in Grouting - A Systematic Review. Case Studies in Construction Materials, 18, 1-23. [PDF]
24. Malki M.L., Saberi M.R., Kolawole O., Rasouli V., Ozotta O., Sennaoui B. (2023). Underlying Mechanisms and Controlling Factors of Carbonate Reservoir Characterization from Rock Physics Perspective: A Comprehensive Review. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 226, 211793. [PDF]
23. Kolawole O. (2023). Mechanistic Study of Microbial Altered Properties in Dolostones. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 56(2), 1099-1111. [PDF]
22. Eyitayo S.I., Lawal K.A., Watson M.C., Kolawole O., Abdullahi I., Yadua A.U., Okoh O.M., Matemilola S., Alabi T. (2022). Coupled Tripartite Investigation of Breaker Fluid Invasion and Impact on Hydrocarbon Recovery in Sandstone Reservoirs. Petroleum Research. [PDF]
21. Eyitayo S.I., Watson M.C., Kolawole O., Xu P., Lawal K.A., Wigwe M.E., Giussani A. (2023). Novel Systematic Approach for Produced Water Volume Quantification Applicable for Beneficial Reuse. Environmental Science: Advances, 2(3), 508-528. [PDF]
20. Eyitayo S.I., Watson M.C., Kolawole O. (2023). Produced Water Management and Utilization: Challenges and Future Directions. SPE Production & Operations, 38 (03): 367–382. [PDF]
19. Sennaoui B., Pu H., Afari S., Malki M.L., Kolawole O. (2023). Pore- and Core-Scale Mechanisms Controlling Supercritical Cyclic Gas Utilization for Enhanced Recovery under Immiscible and Miscible Conditions in the Three Forks Formation. Energy & Fuels , 37(1), 459–476. [PDF]
18. Eyitayo S.I., Watson M.C., Kolawole O., Xu P., Bruant R., Henthorne L. (2023). Produced Water Treatment: Review of Technological Advancement in Hydrocarbon Recovery Processes, Well Stimulation, and Permanent Disposal Wells. SPE Production & Operations, 38(01), 51-62. [PDF]
17. Kolawole O., Millikan C., Kumar M., Ispas I., Weber J. (2022). Microbial Induced Mechano-Petrophysical Modified Properties to Improve Hydrocarbon Recovery in Carbonate Reservoirs. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, 32, 100399. [PDF]
16. Ozotta O., Saberi M.R., Kolawole O., Malki M.L., Rasouli V., Pu H. (2022). Pore Morphology Effect on Elastic and Fluid Flow Properties in Bakken Formation using Rock Physics Modeling. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources, 8(6), 210. [PDF]
15. Ozotta O., Kolawole O., Malki M.L., Ore T., Gentzis T., Fowler H., Liu K., Ostadhassan M. (2022). Nano- to Macro-Scale Structural, Mineralogical, and Mechanical Alterations in a Shale Reservoir Induced by Exposure to Supercritical CO2. Applied Energy, 326, 120051. [PDF]
14. Kolawole O., Millikan C., Kumar M., Ispas I., Schwartz B., Weber J., Badurina L., Šegvić B. (2022). Impact of Microbial-Rock-CO2 Interactions on Containment and Storage Security of Supercritical CO2 in Carbonates. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 120, 103755. [PDF]
13. AlRassas A.M., Thanh H.V., Ren S., Sun R., Al-Areeq N.M., Kolawole O., Hakimi M.H. (2022). CO2 Sequestration and EOR via WAG Scheme in a Mixed Transgressive Sandstone-Carbonate Reservoir: Case Study of a Large Middle-East Oilfield. Energy & Fuels, 36(17), 10299-10314. [PDF]
Before Joining NJIT
12. Ozotta O., Ostadhassan M., Liu K., Liu B., Kolawole O., Hadavimoghaddam F. (2021). Reassessment of CO2 Sequestration in Tight Reservoirs and Associated Formations. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 206, 109071. [PDF]
11. Kolawole O., Ispas I., Kumar M., Huffman K. (2021). Biogeomechanical Alteration of Near-Wellbore Properties: Implications for Hydrocarbon Recovery. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 94, 104055. [PDF]
10. Kolawole O., Ispas I., Kolawole F., Germay C., McLennan J.D. (2021). Mechanical Zonation of Rock Properties and the Development of Fluid Migration Pathways: Implications for Enhanced Geothermal Systems in Sedimentary-Hosted Geothermal Reservoirs. Geothermal Energy, 9(14). [PDF]
9. Kolawole O., Ispas I., Kumar M., Weber J., Zhao B., Zanoni G. (2021). How Can Biogeomechanical Alterations in Shales Impact Caprock Integrity and CO2 Storage?. Fuel, 291, 120149. [PDF]
8. Kolawole O., Ispas I., Kumar M., Weber J., Zhao B. (2021). Time-Lapse Biogeomechanical Modified Properties of Ultra-Low Permeability Reservoirs. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 54(6), 2615–2641. [PDF]
7. Onwumelu C., Kolawole O., Nordeng S. (2021). Maturation-Induced Modification of Organic Matter: Implications for CO2 Storage in Shales. Fuel Communications, 7, 100009. [PDF]
6. Kolawole O., Ispas I. (2020). Scratch Test Utilization to Characterize Contrasting Geomechanical Properties in Enhanced Geothermal System. GRC Transactions, 44, 46-57. [PDF]
5. Davis A., Kolawole O., Watson M., Onwumelu C. (2020). Optimal Field Development and Production Design for Unconventional Reservoirs: A Case Study from Central Sub-Basin, Permian Basin, New Mexico. Petroleum Research, 6(1). [PDF]
4. Kolawole O., Wigwe M., Ispas I., Watson M. (2020). How Will Treatment Parameters Impact the Optimization of Hydraulic Fracturing Process in Unconventional Reservoirs?. SN Applied Sciences, 2(11), 1865. [PDF]
3. Kolawole O., Ispas I. (2020). Evaluation of Geomechanical Properties Via Scratch Tests: Where Are We and Where Do We Go from Here?. SN Applied Sciences, 2(10), 1633. [PDF]
2. Kolawole O., Gamadi T., Bullard D. (2020). Artificial Lift System Applications in Tight Formations: The State of Knowledge. SPE Production & Operations, 35(02), 422-434. [PDF]
1. Kolawole O., Ispas I. (2019). Interaction Between Hydraulic Fractures and Natural Fractures: Current Status and Prospective Directions. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 10, 1613-1634. [PDF]
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
22. #Oppong F., Kolawole O., Olorode O. (2024). Rock Mechanical Characterization of Epoxy-Based Grouted Sandstone. American Rock Mechanics Association, 58th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Golden, Colorado, ARMA-2024-0155.
21. #Oppong F., #Khadka P., Kolawole O. (2024). Investigation of the Failure Mechanisms for Inducing Rock Slope Hazard in New Jersey, United States. American Rock Mechanics Association, 58th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Golden, Colorado, ARMA-2024-0156.
20. #Ngoma M.C., Kolawole O., Olorode O., Kwon T.-H. (2024). Experimental Study of the Effect of Porosity on EICP Biomineralization in Dolostone and Shales Under Uniaxial Compressive Stress Condition. American Rock Mechanics Association, 58th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Golden, Colorado, ARMA-2024-0146.
19. Eyitayo S., Kolawole O., ., Ispas I., Watson M.C., Moronkeji D. (2024). Experimental Investigation of CO2-Brine Simultaneous and Alternate Injection: Implications for Geomechanics and CO2 Storage Capacity. American Rock Mechanics Association, 58th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Golden, Colorado, ARMA-2024-0593.
18. Zayas I.C., Meegoda J., Kolawole O., Pinkert S., Zhang, D. (2023). Study on High-Pressure Treatment of Unconventional Reservoirs with Water-Based Fluids. American Rock Mechanics Association, 57th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Atlanta, GA, ARMA-2023-0542.
17. #Ngoma M.C., Wamba Kenfack A., #Cavalcante L., Kolawole O. (2023). Impact of Geomechanics on the Development of Hydrothermal Fluid Pathways in Enhanced Geothermal Systems - A Review. American Rock Mechanics Association, 57th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Atlanta, GA, ARMA-2023-0187.
16. #Ngoma M.C., Kolawole O., Elinski M.B., Thomas R., LaGrand R. (2023). Sub-Core Scale Characterization of Microbial Invasion Impact in Carbonates: Implications for Mechanical Alterations. American Rock Mechanics Association, 57th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Atlanta, GA, ARMA-2023-0064.
15. Kolawole O., Ispas I., Schwartz B. (2022). Impact of Biogeomechanical Process on CO2 Sequestration in Hydrocarbon-Depleted Carbonate Reservoirs. American Rock Mechanics Association, 56th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Santa Fe, NM ARMA-2022-0028.
14. Onwumelu C., Kolawole O., Bouchakour I., Ozotta O. (2022). Integrated Assessment of Interaction between Sc-CO2 and Shale during Thermal Maturation. American Rock Mechanics Association, 56th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Santa Fe, NM, ARMA-2022-0082.
Before Joining NJIT
13. Ozotta O., Malki M.L., Rasouli V., Pu H., Kolawole O. (2021). The Effect of Pore Morphology on Fracture Systems. ARMA/DGS/SEG International Geomechanics Symposium, Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia.
12. Kolawole O., Kumar M., Ispas I., Huffman K. (2021). Impact of Integrated Biogeomechanics on CO2 Storage in Depleted Hydrocarbon Reservoirs: Insights from Wolfcamp Shale. American Rock Mechanics Association, 55th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Houston, TX, ARMA-2021-1100.
11. Kolawole O., Ispas I., Kumar M., Millikan C., Watson M., Gamadi T., Henderson S. (2021). Effect of Biogeomechanical Modified Near-Wellbore Properties on Hydrocarbon Recovery: Insights from Niobrara Shale. American Rock Mechanics Association, 55th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Houston, TX, ARMA-2021-1101.
10. Kolawole O., Anya A. (2021). Assessing Mechanical Integrity of Cementitious Materials: Microbial-Induced Precipitation vs Oil-Well Cement. American Rock Mechanics Association, 55th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Houston, TX, ARMA-2021-0014.
9. Ozotta O., Ostadhassan M., Rasouli V., Pu H. Malki M.L., Dawodu O.V., Kolawole O. (2021). Homogenization Models to Determine the Change in Elastic Properties Due to CO2 Injection. American Rock Mechanics Association, 55th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Houston, TX, ARMA-2021-1164.
8. Kolawole O. (2021). Measurement of Geomechanical Properties: Comparison Between Scratch Test and Uniaxial Compression Test Methods. American Rock Mechanics Association, 55th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Houston, TX, ARMA-2021-2139.
7. Onwumelu C., Bouchakour I., Nordeng S., Kolawole O. (2021). Analyses of Source Rock Microstructural and Elastic Properties: Case Study on Bakken Shales. American Rock Mechanics Association, 55th US Rock Mechanics/ Geomechanics Symposium, Houston, TX, ARMA-2021-1800.
6. Ozotta O., Ostadhassan M., Liu K., Lee H., Pu H., Kolawole O., Malki M.L. (2021). Time-dependent Impact of CO2-shale Interaction on CO2 Storage Potential. 15th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, GHGT-15.
5. Kolawole O., Ispas I. (2020). Evaluation of Rock Mechanical Properties via Scratch Testing and its Impact on Energy Production: Comprehensive Review. 2nd International Conference on Energy Geotechnics, 205, 03005.
4. Onwumelu C., Kolawole O., Bouchakour I., Tomomewo O.S., Adeyilola A. (2020). Effective Correlation Between Petrophysical Characteristics of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Log and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Core Data. ARMA/DGS/SEG International Geomechanics Symposium. Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia.
3. Wigwe M., Kolawole O., Watson M., Ispas I., Li W. (2019). Influence of Fracture Treatment Parameters on Hydraulic Fracturing Optimization in Unconventional Formations. American Rock Mechanics Association, ARMA-CUPB Geothermal International Conference, China, ARMA-CUPB-19-3666.
2. Kolawole O., Ispas I. (2019). How Hydraulic Fractures Interact with Natural Fractures: A Review and New Observations. American Rock Mechanics Association, 53rd U.S. Rock Mechanics/ Geomechanics Symposium, New York, NY, ARMA-2019-0018.
1. Kolawole O., Kovács-Federer G., Szabo I. (2018). Formation Susceptibility to Wellbore Instability and Sand Production in the Pannonian Basin, Hungary. American Rock Mechanics Association, 52nd U.S. Rock Mechanics/ Geomechanics Symposium, Seattle, WA, ARMA-2018-221.
Non-Refereed Conference Papers
6. Ozotta O., Kolawole O. (2024). Nanoscale Investigation of CO2-Induced Geomechanical Alterations in Shale Reservoirs. 7th International Conference on Engineering Geophysics (ICEG), Al Ain-Abu Dhabi, UAE, October 2023.
5. Elwegaa K., Kolawole O., Ahmed S., Tomomewo O.S. (2022). A Non-Conventional Well Technology Approach to Improve Hydrocarbon Recovery from a Mature Field: Brown Field Case Study. SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, Wheeling, WV, SPE-211881-MS.
4. Eyitayo S., Watson M.C., Kolawole O. (2022). Produced Water Treatment and Utilization: Challenges and Future Directions. SPE Western Regional Meeting, Bakersfield, CA, SPE-209310-MS.
3. Tomomewo O.S., Mann D., Ellafi A., Jabbari H., Tang C., Ba Geri M., Kolawole O., Ispas I., Onwumelu C., Alamooti M. (2021). Creating Value for The High-Saline Bakken Produced Water by Optimizing its Viscoelastic Properties and Proppant Carrying Tendency with High-Viscosity Friction Reducers. Society of Petroleum Engineers, SPE Western Regional Meeting, Bakersfield, CA, SPE-200809-MS.
2. Kolawole O., Esmaeilpour S., Hunky R., Saleh L., Ali-Alhaj H.K., Marghani M. (2019). Optimization of Hydraulic Fracturing Design in Unconventional Formations: Impact of Treatment Parameters. Society of Petroleum Engineers, SPE Kuwait Oil & Gas Show and Conference, Mishref, Kuwait, SPE-198031-MS.
1. Kolawole O., Gamadi T., Bullard D. (2019). Comprehensive Review of Artificial Lift System Applications in Tight Formations. Society of Petroleum Engineers, SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, Charleston, WV, SPE-196592-MS.